Friday, August 17, 2007

Misteri Buah Apel

Exhibit #15
Object: 1 kg of nonexistent apples
Location: Toko Guardian, Bandung

Dan saya bertanya:
“Jadi, selama ini ternyata jualan apel juga, ya?”
Si Mbak menjawab: “Nggak.”
Dan saya bertanya lagi:
“Tapi stok apelnya memang ada?”
Si Mbak menjawab lagi: “Nggak.”
Dan saya bertanya, lagi dan lagi:
“Kalau gitu kenapa harus apel??”
And there was an infinite silence.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What Humanity Needs

Exhibit #14
Object: Billboard
Location: Hong Kong

Strap it up, ladies!
We can now be in total peace
just by wearing our usual thing.
Gentlemen, if you wish to join us,
rest assured your gender confusion
will also be swept away by this stress-free bra…

* Courtesy from Reza

Bum Dim Sum

Exhibit #13
Object: Dim Sum Stall
Location: Food Court, Jkt

One can loose sight easily on that dot and, boy,
better be careful…
you don’t want people to think you’re selling NC-17 food.
It’s a huge shift from dim sum to “dim sum”,
I tell ya.

* Courtesy from Yasha

"Dear, I Don't Get You" Cafe

Exhibit #12
Object: Cafe
Location: Hong Kong

Let me repeat what the banner says:
"When she looking you eye. Don't lie please."
Now, how can I possibly lie if I just don't get it?

* Courtesy from Reza

The Zen Drink

Exhibit #11
Object: Warung Es Oyen
Location: Jl Lombok, Bandung

I really like to know
what’s finally served on my table when I order:
“Es Jeruk Panas”
Do not underestimate this Oyen dude.
I bet my ass he’s a Zen master in disguise.
Only those who transcend duality can create such drink.

* Courtesy from Riko.