Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mengungkaf Paktor Misterieus di Kota Bandung

Exhibit #33
Object: Plang/Spanduk Toko
Location: Jalan Dip(f)atiukur, Bandung

Di satu siang di Jalan Dipatiukur, satu toko kecil tengah berusaha untuk menuliskan jasa-jasanya dengan tepat dan akurat...

Yah. Meleset beberapa huruf. Tapi tidak apa-apa, berhubung plangnya bolak-balik, ia masih memiliki kesempatan kedua.

Dan... yah... tetap sebuah usaha yang patut kita hargai. Tidak banyak servis elektronik pinggir jalan yang bisa mereparasi killer ataupun panser.

Di ujung jalan, beberapa meter dari simpang Dago, sebuah kejutan sudah menanti:

Saat keluar dari Jalan Difatiukur, kami sudah tak bisa membedakan mana kaum pakir dan mana tukang farkir, sungguh-sungguh satu paktor yang misterieus. Memasuki Jalan Taman Sari, saat singgah di Kebun Binatang Bandung, satu misteri lagi menanti kami...

Dan oleh karena itulah poto-poto ini fatut di-aflod dan diingpormasikan kefada teman-teman semua...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Why-Bother Smoking Room

Exhibit #32
Object: (what they intended to be as) Smoking Room
Location: Polonia Airport, Medan

Entering an airport with "no smoking" signs in every corner,
still you smell a gush of cigarette air in every turn .
What's the logic?

There it is.
Right in the middle of the airport's hall...
They have what they call a smoking "room".
They only forgot to put one thing:
A ceiling.
Like having a "pee section" in a swimming pool,
it's a total why-bother.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Eye Tricksters

Exhibit #31
Object: Campaign Banners
Location: (most probably) Jakarta & Jabar & Jatim & Gorontalo

... What the—?

Yes, of course. And I am the 57th descendant of Lucian,
the first Lycan, werewolf that can take human form. So?

... Uh-oh.

Wh—whaaat? WHAT?! Oh... no... please... NO!

... There's MORE??

Are my eyes playing trick on me or all these banners are for real?
Help! Wake me up from this nightmare, somebody... help!

... DZIG!!!

Hold your punches, Mister.
I got it now. This is not a dream [sigh].

* Picture Source: Unknown. Courtesy from Kikis.